Prevention starts with a conversation at home.
Prevention starts with a conversation at home.
We know that starting these conversations can be difficult and uncomfortable. It can be easy for adults to assume that kids know all they need to know about making healthy choices. Talk About It and PreventEd are dedicated to giving families the encouragement, resources, and tools to have these life-changing discussions.
Talk About It is proudly brought to you by PreventEd, a local community health agency working to reduce or prevent the harms of alcohol and other drug use through education, intervention, and advocacy. For more information visit prevented.org or call (314) 962-3456.
1 NCADD. “Talking with Children. Parents Play a Key Role.” Web. Oct. 2016.
2 Mann, A. “Relationships matter: Impact of Parental, Peer Factors on Teen, Young Adult Substance Abuse.” NIDA Notes, Vol 18:2. Aug. 2003.
3 CASA. “Family Matters: Substance Abuse and the American Family: A Casa White Paper.”
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